How Much Money Do You Get for 100 Subscribers on YouTube

How Much Money Do You Get for 100 Subscribers on YouTube
How Much Money Do You Get for 100 Subscribers on YouTube

 So, you’ve started your own YouTube channel, and you’ve reached the milestone of 100 subscribers. Congratulations! It’s a significant achievement, and you’re probably wondering, “How much money can I make with 100 subscribers on YouTube?” In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down the earnings potential for YouTubers with 100 subscribers and answer some common questions related to making money on YouTube.

Can You Make Money with Just 100 Subscribers on YouTube?

The short answer is yes, you can make money with 100 subscribers on YouTube, but the amount you can earn at this stage is relatively minimal. To understand why, let’s delve into the various ways YouTubers generate income.

Ad Revenue

One of the primary sources of income for YouTubers is through ads displayed on their videos. To become eligible for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) and start earning ad revenue, you need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours within the past 12 months. Therefore, with just 100 subscribers, you won’t be able to earn money through ad revenue.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another way to make money on YouTube, even with a small subscriber count. You can promote products or services in your video descriptions and earn a commission for each sale generated through your affiliate links. While you can potentially earn some income with 100 subscribers, it may not be substantial.

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How Much Money Do You Get for 100 Subscribers on YouTube

The Myth of the Fixed Payout: There’s no set amount you get for having 100 subscribers. YouTube doesn’t directly pay creators based on subscriber count. Your income comes from various avenues, the primary one being advertising revenue.

Monetization Requirements: Before you can even think about earning, you need to meet YouTube’s Partner Program criteria, which include having 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past year. So, 100 subscribers is a stepping stone, but not the gateway to monetization.

The Power of Engagement: Even after meeting the requirements, your income depends heavily on ad engagement. This means viewers need to watch the ads displayed on your videos, which is influenced by factors like content type, audience demographics, and video quality.

Focus on Building a Community: Having 100 engaged subscribers is far more valuable than having 1,000 passive ones. Building a strong community through quality content, interaction, and audience understanding is key to attracting viewers who actively watch your ads, leading to higher revenue potential.

Beyond Ads: Exploring Other Avenues: While ads are a primary source of income, other options exist. These include:

  • Affiliate marketing: Promoting products or services for a commission.
  • Brand sponsorships: Partnering with brands for product placement or sponsored content.
  • Selling merchandise: Creating and selling your own products related to your channel.

Remember: Reaching 100 subscribers is a noteworthy achievement, but it’s just the beginning of your YouTube journey. Focus on creating high-quality content, fostering audience engagement, and exploring diverse monetization options for sustainable success on the platform

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How to Monetize a YouTube Channel After 1000 Subscribers

How Much Money Do You Get for 100 Subscribers on YouTube
How Much Money Do You Get for 100 Subscribers on YouTube

1. Sponsored Content

Partnering with brands for sponsored content can be a lucrative way to earn money on YouTube. Companies may be willing to collaborate with smaller YouTubers if they have a niche audience that aligns with the brand’s target demographic. Sponsored videos typically involve promoting a product or service in exchange for a fee.

2. Channel Memberships

YouTube allows eligible channels to offer channel memberships to their subscribers. This feature enables you to charge a monthly fee (which you set) in exchange for special perks, such as custom emojis, badges, and members-only content. It’s a great way to engage with your most loyal subscribers and provide exclusive content.

3. Set Up YouTube Shopping and Sell Merchandise

YouTube Shopping allows you to feature products directly in your videos, making it easier for viewers to purchase items you recommend. Additionally, you can design and sell your merchandise, such as T-shirts, hats, or other branded items, to generate income. Creating unique and attractive merchandise can enhance your earnings.

4. Super Chat and Super Stickers

If your channel has a live chat feature during live streams, you can enable Super Chat and Super Stickers. This feature lets viewers pay to have their messages highlighted during live chat sessions, providing a way for you to earn money while interacting with your audience. It’s an excellent option for engaging with your viewers in real time and making some extra income.

5. Super Thanks

Super Thanks is another feature that enables your audience to show their appreciation for your content by making one-time payments. Viewers can send Super Thanks on videos they enjoy, and you earn a portion of the payment. It’s a straightforward way for your subscribers to support your channel financially.

6. YouTube Premium Revenue

YouTube Premium is a subscription service that offers an ad-free experience, access to YouTube Originals, and background play. You can earn a share of the revenue generated from YouTube Premium members watching your content. While this income might not be directly tied to your subscriber count, it’s an additional source of earnings.

7. Paid Sponsorships

As your subscriber count grows, you’ll become more attractive to companies looking to sponsor YouTube creators. Sponsored videos can provide a substantial source of income, depending on your reach and engagement. These sponsorships can range from one-time promotions to long-term partnerships, providing a steady income stream.

Read Also: How Much Money Do You Get for 100 Subscribers on YouTube

While having 100 subscribers on YouTube is a promising start, it’s essential to set realistic expectations regarding your earnings. Making money on YouTube, especially through ad revenue, typically requires a more substantial subscriber base and a consistent content strategy. However, with dedication and persistence, your channel can grow, and your income potential will increase along with it. Keep creating quality content, engaging with your audience, and exploring various monetization options to reach your financial goals on YouTube.


Do you start earning money on YouTube with just 100 subscribers?

No, YouTube’s Partner Program requires a channel to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months to be eligible for monetization.

How much money can I expect with 100 subscribers on YouTube?

Generally, earnings on YouTube are not solely based on the number of subscribers. Revenue is primarily generated through ad views and clicks. With 100 subscribers, you might not see substantial earnings until your channel grows further.

Can I make money from YouTube without the Partner Program with 100 subscribers?

While the Partner Program is the primary way to monetize on YouTube, you can explore other avenues like affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or merchandise sales even with a smaller subscriber count.

How much do YouTubers earn per view with 100 subscribers?

Earnings per view can vary widely based on factors like audience demographics, content category, and ad rates. There isn’t a fixed amount per view, and small channels may see lower revenue compared to larger, more established ones

What are other ways to monetize with 100 subscribers on YouTube?

You can explore crowdfunding platforms like Patreon, sell merchandise, or participate in affiliate marketing. Building a diverse income stream is crucial for smaller channels.

How long does it take to reach 100 subscribers on YouTube?

The time to reach 100 subscribers varies for each channel. It depends on factors like content quality, niche, marketing efforts, and audience engagement. Some may achieve it quickly, while others may take more time.

Does YouTube pay differently based on the content type with 100 subscribers?

YouTube pays based on ad revenue, which can vary by niche and audience engagement. Certain niches may have higher ad rates, leading to potentially higher earnings per view.

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